Evaluation of Pesticide Safety Measures Adopted by Potato Farmers in Chebiemit Division, Elgeyo/Marakwet County, Kenya

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Naumy Jemutai Kurui


Potato (Solanum tuberosum) is the second most important food crop after maize in Kenya. It is popular among smallholder farmers because it has short cropping cycles and large production volumes per area which fulfill both households’ food demands as well as generating income. To increase productivity, farmers practice better farming methods which include the use of pesticides. These pesticides if improperly handled impact negatively on the health of the users. The objective of the study was to evaluate the pesticide safety measures adopted by potato farmers in Chebiemit Division of Elgeyo/Marakwet County. The Area of study is shown by Figure 1. Data were collected through stratified simple sampling where 323 potato farmers were administered with structured questionnaires. The data were analyzed using SPSS software.

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How to Cite
Kurui, N. J. . (2022). Evaluation of Pesticide Safety Measures Adopted by Potato Farmers in Chebiemit Division, Elgeyo/Marakwet County, Kenya. B.R. Nahata Smriti Sansthan Agricultural Extension Journal (AEXTJ), 6(4). https://doi.org/10.22377/aextj.v6i4.341
Research Articles